Grass - I am a producer. I use the sun for photosynthesis and am eaten by small animals like mice and rabbits. Who am I?, Tree - I am a producer. I grow big and tall. My canopy offers shade to many animals and I am chopped down to use for paper. Who am I?, Rabbit - I am a consumer. I enjoy eating grass. I make many underground systems of tunnels in the forest to get around. Who am I?, Mouse - I am a consumer. I live in the grass and eat fruits, grains and seeds. I am nocturnal and build a burrow to help protect myself from predators. Who am I?, Owl - I am a consumer. I tend to hunt at night and love eating mice. I use natural cavities in trees as my home. Who am I?, Fox - I am a consumer. I make my house in the tree roots. I eat birds, squirrels, rabbits, and fruits. I tend to have a big bushy tail that I use for balance. Who am I?, Fungi - I am a decomposer. I am found on many decomposing trees in the forest. My job is to help rejuvenate the forest after something has died. Who am I?, Squirrel - I am a consumer. I am found in trees, and collect nuts for the winter. I usually forget where I put my nuts which helps the forest grow. Who am I?, Worm - I am a decomposer. You'll see me out and about after it rains and birds tend to find me to feed to their young. I break down matter from dead plants. Who am I?,

Who am I? Food Web



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