1) Laura ______________ her hair right now. a) wash b) washes c) was washing d) is washing 2) Peter ___________ in London yesterday. a) was b) is c) were d) was being 3) Next Monday Marry ________________ a new film with her boyfriend. a) will see b) are going to see c) is going to see d) sees 4) The plane _______________ at ten o'clock and it's now past eleven. a) will land b) landed c) landded d) was landing 5) Sanja _____________ to school yesterday. a) didn't went b) didn't go c) wasn't going d) won't go 6) Sometimes I _____________ chess in the afternoon. a) am playing b) plays c) will play d) play 7) Korina ____________ to work at eight every morning. a) goes b) go c) is going d) was going 8) Tom and Chris _____________ breakfast right now. a) were having b) is having c) are having d) have 9) Tia ________ in Kočevje. a) is living b) is liveing c) lives d) live e) livees 10) We _____________ tennis last weekend. a) played b) were playing c) were plaing d) play 11) I _____________ when the alarm clock _____________. a) dreamed/rang b) dreamed/was ringing c) was dreaming/ring d) was dreaming/rang 12) What ___________ yesterday at 11am? I ____________ the laundry. a) were you doing/was doing b) did you do/was doing c) did you do/did d) did you do/was doing 13) Jack ________ his teeth. He can't answer the phone right now. a) brushes b) is brushing c) brushed d) was brushing 14) Look! My dog _______ with your cat! a) plays b) is playing c) play d) is plaeing 15) My cousins ______________ a uniform to school. They wear ordinary clothes. a) don't wear b) aren't wearing c) doesn't wear d) weren't wearing 16) When mum ________ home, you ___________ in the garden. a) was coming/were sitting b) was coming/sat c) came/sitted d) came/were sitting 17) Where are Janez and Luka? ____________ a bath? a) Are they having b) Do they have c) Do they having d) Were they having 18) Peter __________ 13 tomorrow. a) will be b) is c) will 19) My friend Sven _________ to music every evening. a) listen b) listens c) is listening d) is going to listen 20) Danny _________ a book this evening. a) reads b) read c) will read d) is going to read

English tenses: Present Simple/Continuous, Past Simple/Continuous, Will future, Going to future


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