What laws would you abolish if you could? What laws would you create?, If you could live forever, what job would you choose to do?, If you were a food, what food would you be?, If you could be the CEO of any company, what company would you choose?, Would you want to permanently feel zero pain if given the chance?, What cartoon world do you wish you could live in for a week?, What do you wish grew on trees?, What weird thing would you make socially acceptable if you could?, If you snapped your fingers and could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?, If you could level up any aspect of yourself (i.e., strength, intelligence, charisma, etc.) what would you choose?, If you had to lose your sight or hearing, which would you prefer?, If money wasn’t a concern where would you live, what would you do, and what would your lifestyle look like?, If you could get a ticket to any show or event, what would you want a ticket to?, If you could go back in time and give your parents advice before you were born, what advice would you give them?, If people posted the bad as well as the good stuff that happened to them on social media, do you think social media would become more or less popular?, What futuristic thing from a sci-fi movie or book do you really wish existed right now?, If you could create any one reality TV show, what show would you want to put on TV?, If you were given a superpower, what power would you like to receive?, Would you want to live in a world where everyone’s thoughts appeared as text above their head?, Would you choose to become more intelligent if it meant you became unhappier?, If you could choose one of earth's element (eg fire, water etc) to control, what element would you choose?, If you were chosen to be the first human to make contact with aliens, would you want to?, If you could call yourself when you were fifteen years old for a twenty-minute conversation, what would you tell yourself?, Would you choose to know your future if it meant forgetting your past?, If you won the lottery, what would NOT change?, If you could go back and uninvent something, what invention would you erase from history?, If you could know the truth behind any one secret or mystery, what would it be?, If you could be born again in any country, as any race, and as any gender, what would you choose?, If you could get every country and every person in the world to work on one project or goal, what would it be?, If you were selected for Squid Game, would you leave, or stay to win 10 million dollars?.

FCE Expert First U10B Hypothetical Questions


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