1) What's the name of the person who owns property and rents it to others? a) a landlord b) an agent 2) a sublease means... a) A sublease is a new contract between the original renter and the sublessee b) a lease for less money 3) what's this called? a) a chandelier b) a lamp c) an LED 4) The area behind someone's home is called? a) a backyard b) a backgarden 5) a fixer upper is a casual term for.... a) a nice home that has been renovated b) a property that has value but needs to be renovated first 6) A ________ is similar to a cellar, it is below the ground level.  a) attic b) basement c) balcony 7) What's the meaning of a "duplex" home? a) a small house b) a multi-family home that has two units in the same building. These two units always share a common wall, but the floor plan can vary. c) a larger home with 2 garages.


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