1) What's the weather like today? 2) What time is it? 3) Have you got any pets? 4) What's your favourite food? 5) What do you look like? 6) What can you do? 7) Where are you now? 8) How are you today? 9) Who is your best friend? 10) What lessons have you got on Fridays? 11) What is your favourite sport? 12) Are you a good student? 13) What is there in your bedroom? 14) Are you afraid of spiders? 15) Do you like drawing? 16) Where do you go at the weekend? 17) When do you go to bed?  18) How do you get to school? 19) What does your best friend look like? 20) Have you got a garden? 21) What time do you usually get up? 22) What do you usually eat for breakfast? 23) How do you relax after school? 24) Who do you want to be in the future? 25) When is your birthday?


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