1) They ....... tennis on Fridays. a) play b) plays 2) My dog...... all day. a) sleep b) sleeps 3) I ... in winter. a) skate b) skates 4) My brother ....... well. a) swim b) swims 5) The baby ... every night. a) cry b) cries 6) They ... English well. a) speak b) speaks 7) She ... TV in the evening. a) watch b) watches 8) She ..... her bedroom every day. a) clean b) cleans 9) We ... at school 5 days a week. a) go b) goes 10) I ... ice cream. a) like b) likes 11) She ... coke for lunch. a) drink b) drinks 12) He ... at the Hip-Hop dancing club. a) dance b) dances 13) We sometimes ... at restaurants . a) eat b) eats 14) It ... in autumn. a) rain b) rains 15) My father...............a car. a) drives b) drive

Year 5 The Present Simple - Affirmative


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