1) If Cody has 3 slices of pizza, and Bob has 5 slices of pizza, how many slices do they have altogether a) 8 b) 6 c) 7 d) 9 2) If Frank can throw 15 snowballs in five minutes, how many can he throw in one hour? a) 130 b) 210 c) 15 d) 180 3) A plane took off at 3:55pm, and landed at 7:45pm, how long did it fly? a) 4h 50 min b) 3h 50 min c) 50 min d) 4h 4) Charlotte is best friends with who? a) Wilbur b) Templeton c) The gander d) the crickets 5) Who has a habit of collecting weird things? a) Wilbur b) Templeton c) The gander d) the crickets 6) how many eggs did Charlotte have? a) 540 b) 514 c) 5014 d) 5040 7) Capital I a) b) c) 8) capital Z a) b) c) 9) In Exodus, when the Israelites went out of Egypt, who chased them? a) Other travlers b) The Egyptian army c) Nobody 10) Which one of the following was NOT among the ten plagues of Egypt a) The Nile river turned to blood b) All the Egyptian's livestock died c) Your feet will stink d) Total darkness covered Egypt for 3 days e) Locusts devoured plants and covered the land 11) In the battle against the Amalekites, what happened when the staff of God was held up, and held down? a) They would win, They would lose b) They would lose, They would win c) They would die, They would live 12) Green Anoles with ______ toe scales are excellent climbers a) 5+ b) 14+ c) 23+ 13) Frogs don't always say ________ , They say something like crogon, droap or sweerop a) Croak b) Ribbit c) Burp d) Hiccup 14) How fast the does the Earth move? a) 1,000 mph b) 1,000,000 mph c) 100 mph d) 10mph 15) Larry ______ a candy cane. a) want b) wants 16) Which of the following is spelled wrong? a) Knives b) Exellent c) Through d) Forest 17) Which of the following is spelled wrong? a) Attintion b) Attack c) Xylophone d) Potatoes 18) half note a) b) c) d) 19) What did Columbus think the Native Americans were? a) Chinese b) Indians c) Vikings d) Greeks 20) Choose the Simple Noun- (Me and my sister) went on a trip to the beach. a) He b) She c) We d) Him e) Her f) They 21) Psalm 139:1 Lord, you have seen what is in my _______. You know all about me.  a) face b) heart c) eyes 22) Psalm 139:12 Even that darkness would not be dark to you. The ______ would shine like the day, because ___________ is like light to you. a) night, darkness b) dawn, dew c) night, moon 23) Pinyin for 回家 a) huī gā   b) huí jiā c) hú jiǎ 24) Pinyin for 五天 a) wǔ tāng b) wù tián c) wǔ tiān d) wú tiān 25)  哪个不是动物?  Which one is not an animal? a) 狮子  shī zǐ b) 熊猫  xióng māo c) 猴子  hóu zǐ d) 车子 chē zǐ 26) What was Paul Revere's first job? a) crash test b) silversmith c) mailman d) butler 27) Who helped Lewis and Clark with their expedition? a) Sacagawea b) Pocahontas c) Powhatan 28) Which keys have small bumps on your keyboard? a) Q and A b) T and R c) F and J

CCS Third Grade Class Review Carnival



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