1) The artist was prolific throughout his life. a) simple and plain; without any decorations b) (of an artist, a writer, etc.) producing many works, etc. c) (of a person) strict and serious in appearance and behaviour 2) The social decay experienced in Spain explains why Pablo depicted prostitutes and beggars in most of his earlier works. a) damage, or a state that becomes gradually worse b) a woman who has control over or responsibility for someone or something c) a woman who is having a sexual relationship with a married man 3) Picasso also redefined the aspects of new styles of art such both cubism. a) a work of art that is a solid figure or object made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay, metal, etc. b) a style and movement in early 20th century art in which objects and people are represented as geometric shapes, often shown from many different angles at the same time c) a 20th century style and movement in art and literature in which images and events that are not connected are put together in a strange or impossible way, like a dream, to try to express what is happening deep in the mind

"Unlock Words Treasure" - Pablo Picasso: Art of Painting


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