Snow is my favourite thing. - First of all, it is so white. It's also fluffy and slippery. There are so many things we can do with it., E-mail is the best invention ever. - First, we don't need to buy stamps. Next, it is really exciting to get e-mail from other countries. The best thing of all is that we can communicate instantly all around the world., Ants make the best pets. - Probably the best thing about them is that they are quiet. Next, they don't eat much at all. And finally, they don't really need us to give them affection or anything. They just go about their business all day long., Chores don't have to be such a pain. - We have no choice about doing them so they may as well be fun. One way is to make a game out of a chore. Another thing would be to listen to music or a book on tape while working. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just do it right away so we don't have to think about it so much., My Aunt Lisa is a wonderful, crazy lady. - One thing she does is sailing. She just gets in her boat and takes off. She also laughs a lot. She sends me funny cards and tells me she loves me the best., Everyone should go camping at least once a year. - When people do this, they have more of an appreciation for all the things they have, especially all the modern conveniences. Being in nature is also very soothing. Best of all, when people do this they are away from a lot of other distractions so they can be closer to each other., Lima beans should be banned. - First of all they have no taste. And then there is the texture, which is disgusting. The most important reason of all, however, is that my mom says "Eat these, they're good for you.", Homework should be a thing of the past. - First of all, if we're in school for about eight hours, haven't we worked enough already? We should be finished with all that learning and be allowed to do something else for a change. Then there are our families. We should be able to spend our evenings doing things with our families, not doing homework., School should be in session only one week per month. - It takes up so much of our time each day that there is no time left for life. If we had more time for life, we could learn a lot more. When we came back for our one week, we could share all of our exciting new experiences., I would like a pet gorilla. - First of all, it would be fun to have a pet like that. Second, I could teach him to do lots of neat things, like clean up my room. What I'd really like, however, is that he could be my bodyguard and go wherever I go.,

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