1) 3D modelling software from Dassault systems a) SolidWorks b) working drawing c) polygon d) primitive shapes 2) scale drawing that serves as a guide for the construction or manufacture of something such as a building, product, or machine a) polygon b) working drawing c) primitive shapes d) plane 3) flat surface that extends forever in two directions but has no thickness, in real life, it can be compared to drawing on a piece of paper a) plane b) extrude c) primitive shapes d) polygon 4) asic predefined 3D shaped on CAD - coming from the term primitive meaning basic a) polygon b) extrude c) primitive shapes d) torus 5) two-dimensional shape containing three or more sides a) primitive shapes b) shapes c) torus d) polygon 6) adds depth to a closed sketch or profile a) torus b) extrude c) spiral d) coil


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