She (mieszka) in Barcelona. - She LIVES in Barcelona., They (nie palą) in the house. - They DON'T SMOKE in the house., Patrick (gra) table tennis every week. - Patrick PLAYS table tennis every week., Boris (nie lubi) big parties. - Boris DOESN'T LIKE big parties., This dress (kosztuje) a lot of money. - This dress COSTS a lot of money., I (nie czytam) newspapers very often. - I DON'T READ newspapers very often., Paul (nie jeździ) his car very often. - Paul DOESN'T DRIVE his car very often., We (nie chcemy) to go there. - We DON'T WANT to go there., John and Mary usually (słuchają) classical music. - John and Mary usually LISTEN TO classical music., My brother (OGLĄDA) all ski jumping competitions. - My brother WATCHES all ski jumping competitions.,

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