1) I miss...........free summers every year a) having b) to have 2) Johnny, please don't make me..........you to leave a) ask b) to ask 3) Please stop.............whatever you're doing a) doing b) to do 4) I don't remember .............that test at all a) taking b) to take 5) Try..........quiet, Mary, you're disturbing other students a) keeping b) to keep 6) I watched her.......the whole test in under thirty minutes a) do b) doing 7) Do you fancy.............to the park a) go b) going 8) My parents would never allow me.........out this late a) stay b) to stay 9) Oh no, I've forgotten.........my books a) bringing b) to bring 10) I can't stand.................in the centre of attention a) be b) being c) to be 11) We urged her ................taking school more seriously a) to start b) starting 12) They forced her..................her application a) withdrawing b) to withdraw 13) she continued................History and took up Law as well a) studying b) to study c) study 14) He ran and ran and only stopped once......his shoelaces a) tiying b) to tie 15) When I was a teenager, I used to avoid..........sports a) do b) doing 16) The head teacher seemed...........disappointed with the decision a) being b) to be 17) He refused................the awful school uniform a) wearing b) to wear 18) I simply can't stand...............definitions by heart a) learning b) to learn 19) She advised me............my college degree a) completing b) to complete 20) I've already tried............painkillers but they haven't helped at all a) to take b) taking 21) I spent most of my time in May...........for my final exam a) revising b) to revise 22) Try..........the computer. If that doesn't work, call me a) to restart b) restarting 23) She prefers .......................than going to a restaruant a) cooking b) to cook c) cook 24) My parents hate.....................to parents meetings at school a) going b) to go c) go

unit 1 grammar quiz 1.5


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