1) Ho intenzione di fare una crociera a) I'm going to go on a cruise b) I'll go on a cruise c) I'm leaving on a cruise 2) Sta per piovere. a) it will rain b) I think it's raining c) It's about to rain 3) Sono stanca. Farò un pisolino a) I'm tired. I'll take pisolin b) I'm tired. I'll take a nap c) I'm taking a nap 4) Posso darti un passaggio? a) Will you come with me? b) Will you give me a lift, please c) Shall I give you a lift? 5) Ti aiuteranno loro? a) shall they help you? b) Will they help you? c) Are they going to help you? 6) il pullman partirà alle 5 di mattina a) The coach leavs at 5 a.m. b) The bus leaves at 5 a.m. c) The coach is leaving at 5 a.m. 7) Ho intenzione di visitare tanti musei a) I'll visit many museums b) I'm visitng many museums c) I'm going to visit many museums 8) Spero di vederti alla festa a) I promise I'll see you at the party b) I hope I'm seeing you at the party c) I hope I'll see you at the party 9) Guarda stanno per lavare la macchina a) Look! They are going to wash the car! b) Watch! They're about to wash the car! c) Look! They'll wash the car! 10) magari arriverà in tempo a) Perhaps, he'll arrive on time b) I believe that he'll arrive on time c) I hope that he'll arrive on time 11) which tense do you use to express: INTENTION? a) be going to b) will c) present continuous 12) which tense do you use to express: IMMEDIATE DECISION? a) be going to b) will c) present continuous 13) which tense do you use to express: ARRANGEMENT? a) be going to b) will c) present continuous 14) which tense do you use to express: PERSONAL OPINION ABOUT THE FUTURE? a) be going to b) will c) present continuous 15) which tense do you use to express: EVIDENCE ABOUT AN EVENT THAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN? a) be going to b) will c) present simple 16) which tense do you use to express: PROMISE and OFFER a) be going to b) will c) present continuous 17) which tense do you use with the verbs: HOPE/ BELIEVE/ THINK a) be going to b) will c) present continuous 18) which of the following sentence is NOT possible a) Shall she come with us? b) Will she come with us? c) Is she coming with us? 19) which of the following sentences is NOT correct? a) Yesterday, it was about to rain. b) Yestarday, it was going to rain. c) Yestarday, It's about to rain. 20) How do you think the test will be? a) it will be difficult b) it will be extremely easy  c) it will be easy if I study



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