1) He warned the child........the cactus. a) touching b) touch c) not to touch 2) They accused me of ........ with their emotions. a) play b) playing c) to play 3) He suggested ...... to the doctor to check my cough and fever. a) me going b) to go c) that I should go 4) Meg's father ..........to take her phone away if she didn't finish her hw.   a) suggested b) threatened c) warned 5) She suggested ..... at home because of the Corona Virus. a) stay b) to stay c) staying 6) He ........to the waiter that the meat was undercooked.   a) threatened b) promised c) complained 7) They claimed ..... they were innnocent of the crime. a) being b) to be c) that 8) The student promised ...... hard for the following quiz!  a) studying b) that he will study c) to study 9) After a while, he confessed to .....the money.   a) steal b) stole c) stealing 10) The boy ........that he was late because he had missed the bus. a) warned b) threatened c) explained 11) My mother asked me .................. my grandma with the cleaning. a) to help b) if I could help c) that I help 12) The criminal denied ........ the witness. a) that he had killed b) to kill c) kill 13) The bully ordered me .............. up a) that I shut b) to shut c) shutting 14) They ......that they would arrive late. a) told her b) said her c) told she

communication verbs (Prepare 6)


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