In terms of which department should receive less funding, my personal opinion, is that the art department is the least important among the choices given., While it is indeed important for a society to foster creative people, as mentioned in the third opinion,, the single most important thing that a society can do is to invest in industries and fields of study which will create material wealth., Both science and foreign languages are more likely to generate business for the country in question. There is also nothing stopping people from being creative in other ways, or developing their creativity outside of their regular fields of study., The Foreign Language department is a crucial component of any school. Although it is true that many countries’ populations have increasingly high levels of English, as per the second opinion,, it is still immensely valuable to be able to communicate in other languages, to aid cultural communication and enable frictionless trade between countries., After all, not everyone in China, say, or Oman, can speak English perfectly. An ability in those languages, would enable more businesses to import and export goods with those nations. Thus, it is misguided to assume that, because everyone can speak English,, there is no value in learning any other languages. Compared to art, foreign languages have much more utility, and are therefore more deserving of funds..

Writing Part 1 - Essay (CAE)



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