1) This is .......... computer. a) his b) her c) their d) our e) my f) your 2) This is ................. car. a) my b) your c) his d) her e) their f) our 3) This is ......... camera. a) her b) your c) their d) his e) my f) our 4) This is ......... camera. a) her b) his c) our d) my e) their f) your 5) This is ........... planet. a) her b) his c) our d) their e) your f) my 6) This is ............ dog. a) our b) his c) my d) their e) her f) your 7) I have two nephews. ................ names are Tim and Ned. a) Our b) His c) My d) Their e) Her f) Your 8) Dubai is famous for .................. tall buildings. a) her b) his c) its d) our e) it's f) your 9) We are Mexican, but ............ parents are living in Brazil now. a) her b) his c) their d) our e) my f) your 10) My uncle Pedro is from Tandil, and ....... wife is from Trenque Lauquen. a) her b) his c) their d) our e) my f) your 11) This is ............ house. a) my b) your c) their d) his e) our f) her 12) A: Here is ........... coffee. B: Thank you! a) my b) their c) his d) your e) our f) her 13) This is ............. car. a) their b) our c) your d) his e) her f) my 14) Argentina is famous for ......... beautiful women and the dulce de leche. a) it's b) our c) his d) your e) its f) her 15) This is ............. popcorn. a) our b) my c) your d) his e) their f) her 16) This is ............ cat. a) their b) our c) your d) my e) his f) her 17) This is .............. dog. We love him! a) my b) his c) their d) her e) our f) your

Possessive Adjectives


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