Did you do anything interesting last weekend?, Have you ever tried anything new? What was it? , What was the most extreme food that you've ever tried? , Have you ever ridden a horse or other animal?, How old were you when you learnt to ride a bike? Who taught you?, What did you like about your previous school?, Have you ever met anyone famous?, What did you eat for breakfast?, What’s the most interesting movie you’ve ever seen?, What's the most interesting book you've ever read? , When did you eat dinner yesterday? What did you eat?, Have you ever won a competition?, Have you ever sung in front of people?, Have you ever paid too much for something?, Have you ever taken a beautiful photograph?, Have you ever seen something that scared you?, Have you ever been stung by a bee?, Have you ever worn someone else’s clothing?, Have you ever found money on the street?, What did you do for you last birthday?, What was the last really difficult thing you had to do?, Did you watch any good movies last week?, Did you discover any new music this week?, Did you discover any new songs checking Youtube recommendations?, Who was your best teacher?, When was the last time that you felt really sad?, When was the last time that you had so much fun?, What was your first memory?, What was the last thing you bought?, What was the last sport you played?, When did you last have a bad dream?, What was the first concert you went to?, When did you last tell a lie?, What was the last thing you give to your friend? , What did you eat for lunch? .


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