The myth of the Minotaur The Minotaur had the body of a ____ and the head of a ____. Minos, king of ____, fought a war with Aegeus, king of ____. Aegeus lost, so Athens had to send seven young men and women to Crete every year where the Minotaur, son of Minos, that lived in a labyrinth ____ them. After many years ____, son of king Aegeus, volunteered to sail to Crete and kill the monster. ____, the daughter of Minos, fell in love with him and gave him a sword and a ____. Theseus tied one end of the string to the ____ of the labyrinth and went in. He killed the Minotaur and following the string he ____ out of the maze. He took Ariadne with him and left Crete. Greek religion - Gods and Goddesses Greeks believed that the ____ most important gods lived on top of ____, the highest mountain in Greece. Zeus was the youngest child of the Titans Kronos and Rheia. Zeus shared the world with his two elder brothers, ____. Zeus got the ____, Poseidon got the ____, and Hades got the ____. ____ was the sister and ____ of Zeus and the goddess of ____. ____ were sisters of Zeus, too. Hestia was the goddess of ____ and Demeter the goddess of good harvests and ____. Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was the god of ____. Apollo and Artemis were twins. They were the children of Zeus and a mortal (=halandó) woman, Leto. ____ was the god of the sun, poetry and medicine. His sister, Artemis, was the goddess of ____. Athena was the goddess of ____. She was born out of ____. The lame, ____, brother of Ares, was the smith god. He was married to ____, the goddess of love and beauty. Dionysos was the god of ____. The Trojan War - Part 1 The war broke out because of Helen, the ____ woman in the world. Eris, the goddess of ____, threw a golden apple with the words "for the most beautiful" to Hera, Aphrodite and Athena. All the goddess believed the apple was for them, they couldn't agree. They asked ____, Price of Troy, to decide. They all promised Paris something if he chose them, but he liked ____ the best: the love of Helen. As promised, ____ fell in love with Paris, but she was married to the Spartan king, ____. So Paris sailed back to Troy with Helen ____. When the Spartan king realised what had happened, he asked the other Greek city states and his brother, Agamemnon, king of ____, for help. The Trojan War - Part 2 To take Helen back, the Greeks attacked Troy and fought for ____ but in vain. There were heroes on both sides: the Trojan warrior, ____ and the Greek hero, ____.After fighting for ten years, ____, king of Ithaca, came up with an idea: the Greeks would build a hollow ____ and a few soldiers would hide in it. They did so, and pretended to ____. The Trojans believed the horse was a ____ for them, and dragged it inside the city. During the night the soldiers climbed out of the horse, opened the gates of Troy and let the ____ into the city. They captured and destroyed Troy. Only one Trojan prince, Aeneas escaped. The events of the Olympic Games The Games lasted for five days. Sportsmen were ____, so women could not watch the events. The first and oldest sporting event was ____. The ____ included discus and javelin throwing, running, ____ and wrestling. Boxing, wrestling and pankration were the ____ of the Games. Pankration was a dangerous combination of wrestling and boxing: everything was allowed except biting and ____. The winner of horse and chariot races was not the sportsman, but the ____ of the horse or chariot. The winner takes all Only the ____ was celebrated, the second and third athlete received ____, not even their names were remembered.


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