1) The story took place ....... year. a) at the beginning of the b) in the middle of the c) at the end of the d) during the whole 2) Who is the narrator of the story? a) Roderick b) Roderick's sister c) Roderick's friend d) Edgar Allan Poe 3) The narrator says that the house filled his spirit with ....... at first sight. a) fear b) sadness c) anger d) pain 4) Roderick's friend arrived the house of Usher ....... . a) by horse b) by carriage c) by bicycle d) by bus e) on foot 5) Roderick's family was known because of ....... . a) their money b) their big stone house c) their talented artists d) their quiet acts of kindness 6) What caught the narrator's eye in the front of the house of Usher? a) a big door b) a break c) the lack of windows d) a short bridge 7) Did Roderick's friend recognize him as soon as they saw each other? a) Not at all b) Certainly c) Completely 8) Roderick told his friend that he was suffering from ....... . a) a family sickness b) a strange trauma c) pain in his soul d) loss of sensitivity e) depression 9) Roderick had not left his house for several ....... . a) days b) weeks c) years d) decades 10) ....... could help lady Madeline with her illness. a) None b) Only doctors c) Roderick d) Roderick's friend 11) What activities did both friends do together? a) Talking and painting b) Reading and talking c) Playing and singing d) Painting and reading 12) One of the songs played by Roderick was called ....... . a) "The Cold House" b) "The Dark Place" c) "The Sadness" d) "The Haunted Palace" 13) Who was the main character of the song played by Roderick? a) A ghost b) A king c) A dead person d) A sad spirit 14) Roderick and his friend carried Lady Madeline's 'dead body' to ....... . a) the graveyard b) a large dark room c) a small vault d) her room 15) The narrator thought that Lady Madeline was ....... . a) not dead but asleep b) dead and cold c) breathing heavily d) dying slowly 16) Roderick and his sister had ....... . a) been born on the same day b) lived together all their lives c) suffered from the same sicknesses d) decided to die together e) killed each other 17) Roderick's friend started to have a feeling of horror ....... Madeline's burial. a) the night after b) several hours after c) four nights after d) nearly a week after 18) Roderick and his friend started to hearing strange noises while they were ....... . a) sleeping in their rooms b) reading a book c) walking around the house d) having dinner 19) Roderick was killed by ....... . a) his own sister b) his friend c) his guilt d) his own fear 20) What was the weather like when the house fell apart? a) calm and starry b) dark and quiet c) stormy and cloudy d) clear and cold 21) Did the narrator die of fear when he saw the Ushers dead? a) Yes b) No 22) What was Lady Madeline wearing when her brother saw her? a) a white dress b) a red dress c) a black dress d) a yellow dress 23) Did Roderick know that his sister was buried alive? a) Not at all b) Of course c) Certainly


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