1) you from? a) I am b) How do you c) I am from d) Where are 2) from Korea. a) How do you b) He is from Busan, c) I am d) I am from the 3) years old. a) He is from Busan, b) I am twelve c) I am from d) I am from the 4) U.K. a) I am from the b) M-A- c) I am twelve d) Nice to 5) Australia. a) I am from b) I am twelve c) She is from London, d) I am from the 6) spell your name? a) He is from Busan, b) Where are c) How do you d) I am 7) R-I-O a) M-A- b) How do you c) I am twelve d) I am 8) Korea. a) I am b) He is from Busan, c) I am twelve d) Where are 9) England. a) Nice to b) She is from London, c) I am d) I am twelve 10) meet you. a) How do you b) Nice to c) She is from London, d) I am from the

Open Box Key Expressions - Where are you from? L1 G5 YBM Choi


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