communicate - signal, send a message, convicted - осужденный, заключенный, street scene - a view of the street, potential - possible, victim - the person who is attacked, go for - to choose, to give someone trouble - Do you want me to give them a trouble?, unpredictable ( unpredictability) - not able to tell beforehand ( непредсказуемость), commit a crime - совершать/совершить преступление, matter - иметь значение, distracted - рассеянный, отвлеченный, hesitate - сомневаться, колебаться, at a cashpoint - at a cash machine, valuable - somthing that is worth a lot of money or is important in some way, in a weak position - Poorer countries find themselves in a weak position in global financial and trading systems., be aware of - to know about something, to understand , persuade - to convince someone to do something, raise money for charity - to collect money for people who are in need, involving - including, get a seat - to take a place to sit down, jump the queue/line - to move in front of people who have been waiting longer for something than you, pretend - to act as if something is true when it is not true, at a stall - a small shop with an open front or a table from which goods are sold, hold a sale - when a shop or person sells things cheaply, to do a special deal - сделать специальный заказ, a bargain - ... выгодная сделка, instead - вместо, взамен, trust your own eyes - верить своим глазам, do a favour - do something to help somebody,


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