languishing - Definition: Losing strength. "The homeless man felt he was __________ over time as he had not eaten for days.", intrusive - Definition: Not welcomed. " She tried to be helpful without being too _____________.", distressed - Definition: feeling of difficulty. "She felt overwhelmed and __________ over the upcoming examinations.", fertile - Definition: abundant plant growth. "She harvested the crops where the land was the most ____________.", nourish - Definition: to promote growth and nutriment. "We consume vitamins to ____________ our health.", wilted - Definition:to become weak and limp form lack of water "The stalk of flowers _______________ in the dry weather.", cherish - Definition: to hold dear, feel and affection "Please _____________ your loved ones.", blossom - Definition : stage of bearing flower/development "The fruit tree seemed to ____________ very fast in the spring.", apprehensive - Definition : Feeling fear or alarmed "She felt _______________ after hearing an eerie knock on the door past midnight.", oppressive - Definition: overwhelming or depressing "The situation was extremely tensed and the silence felt _____________.",

Primary 3 Spelling Week 10


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