1) What are the three states of matter? a) The amount of space an object takes up. b) It contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon-dioxide and some other gases. c) When the particles of gas meet something that is colder and turn into liquid again. d) solid, liquid and gas 2) What is volume? a) It contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon-dioxide and some other gases. b) At the end of the reaction, one kind of matter will change into another kind; these changes cannot be reversed. c) The amount of space an object takes up. d) When a liquid turns into a solid. 3) What is mass? a) At the end of the reaction, one kind of matter will change into another kind; these changes cannot be reversed. b) The meassure of how much matter makes up that object. c) When the particles of gas meet something that is colder and turn into liquid again. d) When a liquid turns into a solid. 4) What is freezing? a) When a liquid turns into a solid. b) When you put things together and stir them, but the elements do not change chemically. c) The meassure of how much matter makes up that object. d) Oxygen is needed. 5) What is condensation? a) When the particles of gas meet something that is colder and turn into liquid again. b) The meassure of how much matter makes up that object. c) The top fertile layer of the ground. d) When a liquid turns into a solid. 6) What different gases does air contain? a) At the end of the reaction, one kind of matter will change into another kind; these changes cannot be reversed. b) solid, liquid and gas c) It contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon-dioxide and some other gases. d) The amount of space an object takes up. 7) What is a mixture? a) When you put things together and stir them, but the elements do not change chemically. b) It contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon-dioxide and some other gases. c) The meassure of how much matter makes up that object. d) The amount of space an object takes up. 8) What does a chemical change mean? a) The amount of space an object takes up. b) At the end of the reaction, one kind of matter will change into another kind; these changes cannot be reversed. c) The meassure of how much matter makes up that object. d) solid, liquid and gas 9) What is soil? a) Oxygen is needed. b) The top fertile layer of the ground. c) The amount of space an object takes up. d) The meassure of how much matter makes up that object. 10) Which gas do you need for burning, rust and tarnish? a) It contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon-dioxide and some other gases. b) Oxygen is needed. c) The top fertile layer of the ground. d) When a liquid turns into a solid.


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