1) Pete the cat is eating _______ a) a lemon b) a banana c) cheese 2) Pete _______ bananas. a) loves b) doesn't like 3) They are _______ and tasty. a) sour b) sweet c) juicy 4) They are easy to _________ a) make b) touch c) peel 5) Every morning, Pete puts a banana in his _______ a) sandwich b) cereal c) hot dog 6) Sometimes Pete puts a banana on his __________ sandwich. a) peanut butter b) cheese c) egg 7) But one day, Pete eats a ______ banana. a) tasty b) yummy c) bad 8) The banana is _______ a) good b) gross 9) The banana is _______ a) mushy b) monkey 10) The banana is _______ a) yucky b) yummy 11) Pete's __________ hurts. a) mouth b) nose c) tummy 12) "I ____________ eat bananas again," Pete tells his mom. a) will b) will not 13) Pete's mom tries to help. She bakes Pete's favourite ___________ a) banana split b) banana cream pie c) banana bread 14) Pete ___________ touch it. a) will b) will not 15) She makes Pete a ___________ a) banana split b) banana cream pie c) banana bread 16) Pete _________ eat it. a) will b) will not 17) She gets Pete a big _______ a) banana bread b) banana split c) banana cream pie 18) _______ Pete says. a) "Thank you" b) "No, thanks" 19) Instead, Pete tries a ___________ a) egg b) lemon c) melon 20) It is ________ like a banana. Pete tastes it. a) brown b) sweet c) yellow 21) _________ says Pete. a) "Yuck!" b) "Yummy!" 22) The lemon is ________ a) sweet b) sour 23) Pete tries a __________ a) pickle b) hot dog c) carrot 24) It is ________ like a banana. Pete tastes it. a) sweet b) juicy c) long 25) __________ Pete says. a) "Bad" b) "Better" 26) "But not as _______ as a banana." a) good b) bad 27) Pete tries ___________ a) an apple b) an orange c) a tomato 28) It has to be _____________ like a banana. a) peeled b) cooked 29) The orange is ________ a) sour b) sweet 30) But it is too ________ a) yucky b) juicy c) sour 31) It makes Pete's paws _________ a) sticky b) juicy 32) Pete tries fish, _________, and his mom's nut bread. a) eggs, cheese, apples, crackers b) plums, rice, hot dogs, watermelon 33) Pete eats them all! He is ________ for bananas anymore. a) hungry b) not hungry 34) Then comes the big _________.  What should Pete have for breakfast? a) race b) rice 35) A pickle? No, Pete doesn't eat pickles ______ a) for lunch b) for breakfast c) for dinner 36) A hot dog? No, Pete just had a hot dog ____________ last night. a) for breakfast b) for lunch c) for dinner 37) A lemon? No. That's just _________ a) funny b) silly c) bad 38) Pete wants a banana. They're yummy and _______. Bananas are the best! a) healthy b) not healthy 39) "Do you have another banana?" Pete asks. ________ says Greg the monkey. a) "No" b) "Of course" 40) Pete peels the banana slowly. It is ________ a) brown b) not brown 41) It is _________ a) mushy b) not mushy 42) Pete takes a teeny, tiny bite. It is a ________ banana. a) yummy b) yucky 43) It is the _______ banana ever! a) bad b) best 44) Thanks to Greg and his banana, Pete ______ the race! a) wins b) loses 45) Pete is __________ for bananas! a) crazy b) bananas


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