Before you start to cook, you ____ have to find the recipe. If today is Tuesday, then ____ it was Monday. The hungry dog ate her food ____ after I gave it to her. Harry and Ron were finishing lunch. ____, Brenda was already outside for recess. I'm almost as fast as the winner of the race, so I finished ____. It was raining this morning, so we decided to go to the beach ____. ____ we were enemies, but now we are friends. First I poured the milk, ____ I drank it. He got bread from the bag and ____ put it in the toaster. Colin's mom asked him for his jacket. He ____ remembered that he left it at school. The squirrel found the nuts that she had ____ hidden in the flower pot. I usually have breakfast ____ I go to school. He somehow got tangled and fell in the puddle. ____, he couldn't remember how it happened. Once the snow melts, you know there will ____ be green grass and flowers. This is Friday, so ____ there will be no school.

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