1) What is the division between ages at school? a) 8 years of elementary + 4 years of high school b) 6 years of elementary + 6 years of high school c) 4 years of elementary + 8 years of high school d) The three systems (A, B, C) exist simultaneously 2) At what age do kids start learning how to read, write and count? a) At the age of 5 b) At the age of 6 c) Kids need to start school by the age of 6, but many families decide to start a year earlier d) Kids can start school at the age of 6, but many families decide to start a year later 3) What is the social structure at school? a) In grades 1-4 kids stay together as a class, and they study most of their subjects together. b) In grades 1-4 a class of kids study most of their subjects together. Classes are reorganized based on achievement at the end of each year. c) In grades 5-12 kids stay together as a class, and they study most of their subjects together. d) In grades 5-12 kids study in different groups based on the subjects they choose. 4) How long do teachers teach the same group of students? a) In grades 1-4 teachers stay with a class for a year. b) In grades 1-4 teachers usually stay with a class for four years. c) In grades 5-12 teachers stay with a class for a year. d) In grades 5-12 teachers usually stay with a class for four years. 5) How schools choose kids they admit? a) Elementary schools select applicants based on their address. b) Elementary schools select applicants based on an IQ test. c) Secondary schools select applicants based on their address. d) Secondary schools select applicants based on an entrance exam.


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