1) What is the correct ispeling a) electrons store b) electronics stor c) electronics store d) store electrons 2) What is the correct ispeling a) console b) consl c) consile d) consulu 3) What is the correct ispeling a) satisfieb b) satifeid c) sotified d) satisfeid 4) What is the correct ispeling a) ceap b) chep c) cheap d) cop 5) What is the correct ispeling a) camcordem b) camcorder c) camcodor d) fbertr8fybgv 6) What is the correct ispeling a) starving b) sorbing c) sarding d) storving 7) What is the correct ispeling a) veb page b) poge c) web page d) dibveuhvt 8) What is the correct ispeling a) pruod b) proud c) proub


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