1) Mary can't go to the cinema tonight. She....... stay at home. a) have to b) doesn't have to c) has to 2) My parents can't go to Italy this year. They ......... work this summer. a) don't have to b) have to c) has to 3) My friends are clowns so they ............... learn to juggle. a) doesn't have to b) have to c) don't have to 4) Caroline ........ wash her car today because it's raining. a) doesn't have to b) has to c) don't have to 5) Sorry, I can't play football tomorrow. I ......... play hockey. a) don't have to b) have to c) has to 6) Peter ....... read a lot of books because he likes reading. a) doesn't have to b) has to c) have to 7) That woman ........ to carry all the bags. Her husband can help her. a) has to b) have to c) doesn't have to 8) You ......... buy a wool jumper because it's very cold. a) don't have to b) have to c) doesn't have to 9) Children ......... run in the corridors at school. a) don't have to b) doesn't have to c) have to 10) My mother ........... go to the shopping centre because she needs a new bag. a) doesn't have to b) has to c) have to 11) You ........ have to go to the park because it's very windy. a) have to b) don't have to c) doesn't have to 12) Teresa can't see very well so she........ wear glasses. a) have to b) doesn't have to c) has to 13) Paul ......... play football on Monday because he is a very important match. a) doesn't have to b) has to c) don't have to 14) My pet ........... go for walks because we have a big garden. a) doesn't have to b) has to c) don't have to 15) My best friend isn't good at Maths so she ......... work harder. She's really good at Language and History. a) have to b) doesn't have to c) has to 16) My grandparents .......... go to the cinema because they have a big screen at home.   a) doesn't have to b) don't have to c) have to



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