1) _______ he tall? a) Is b) Are c) Am 2) _______ I pretty/handsome? a) Am b) Is c) Are 3) __________ we late? a) Am b) Is c) Are 4) _________ Sarah at home?  a) Am b) Is c) Are 5) ____________ Tom and Jerry friends? a) Am b) Is c) Are 6) ___________ you guys students in Boston? a) Am b) Is c) Are 7) _____________ I a good student? a) Am b) Is c) Are 8) ______________ you and John at work right now? a) Am b) Is c) Are 9) ______________ John a good cook? a) Am b) Is c) Are 10) __________________ Tom Hanks and Morgan Freeman good actors? a) Am b) Is c) Are


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