1) What are some signs of being healthy?  2) What kind of activities help people stay healthy? 3) What is your view of alternative medicine (eg homeopathy)? 4) Have your health habits changed over the past few years? How? 5) Do you take any supplements or vitamins? Why/why not? 6) What are some common health myths? 7) How would you describe your diet? Do you have any unhealthy eating habits? 8) Would you say your home country, or New Zealand, has the healthiest environment? 9) What do you do to maintain physical fitness? Is it enough? 10) What is your attitude to smoking or vaping? What about drinking alcohol? 11) Do you get enough sleep? How can we make sure we sleep well? 12) What is your view of healthcare in NZ? How does it compare with your country? 13) Have you ever been to hospital? What do you remember about it? 14) Do our emotions and feelings affect our health? How? 15) What three things could you do to improve your general health?  16) What do you think of Kiwis' attitudes to infectious disease (eg to mask wearing)? How does it compare with your country of origin? 17) Mark Twain said: “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not”. What does he mean? Do you agree? 18) How important is it to have good health? 19) In your experience, are people too slow to take time off work when they’re ill? 20) Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health? 21) Reasearch indicates that women pay more attention to their health than men. Why might that be? 22) How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits? 23) Do you think people have become more health-conscious in recent years? 24) What is the best way of helping people with an addiction? 25) What can governments do to promote healthier lifestyle options? 26) Do think our environment has become more or less healthy than the past? What has changed? 27) Do you have traditional medicine in your country? What is your view of it?

Health and fitness - Conversation questions


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