resume - n. a brief written account of educational and professional qualifications and experience, major - n. the principal field of study of a student at a university, master's - adj. an academic degree granted at the postgraduate level, PhD - n. the highest level of degree a student can achieve, skill - n. an ability, expertness or aptitude in a particular activity, career - n. a profession that is one's most important work in life, background - n. the whole of one's education, training and experience, qualifications - n. certifications, abilities, qualities, or attributes that make a person fit to perform a particular job or task, profile - n. a set of characteristics or qualities that identify a type of person, internship - n. any official or formal program to provide practical experience for beginners in an occupation or profession, fellowship - n. a financed research position providing study facilities, privileges, etc, often in return for teaching services, certification - n. document a student obtained after taking a short course, position - n. a post of employment, scholarship - n. financial aid provided for a scholar because of academic merit, degree - n. an academic title given upon the completion of studies,


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