1) Easy peasy! Guess the planet! a) EARTH b) MARS c) NEPTUNE d) URANUS 2) Are you ready? Guess the planet! a) SATURN b) JUPITER c) VENUS d) MERCURY 3) 3...2...1... Blast off! Guess the planet! a) MERCURY b) EARTH c) VENUS d) MARS 4) Think hard! Guess the planet! a) MERCURY b) JUPITER c) NEPTUNE d) URANUS 5) Quickly! Guess the planet! a) SATURN b) URANUS c) NEPTUNE d) EARTH 6) Ready...Steady...Guess the planet! a) MARS b) EARTH c) JUPITER d) SATURN 7) Oh, no! Can you guess this planet? a) NEPTUNE b) URANUS c) MERCURY d) EARTH


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