1) Why do you want to learn English? 2) If there was a film about you, who would play you? 3) What is the most awkward situation you have ever found yourself in? 4) What songs are on the soundtrack to your life? 5) If you could meet any person (dead or alive, fictional or real), who would it be? 6) What did you do as a teenager that makes you cringe now? 7) What is your biggest fear? 8) What is a movie you can practically quote from start to finish? 9) What are you most passionate about? 10) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? 11) What is your guilty pleasure? 12) Do you have any pet peeves? 13) What is an essential part of your daily routine? 14) What family member/friend are you closest to?

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