mist - thin fog, reveal - make known, show something hidden, burden - something difficult, unpleasant; heavy load, echo - a sound that is heard after it has been reflected, come true - happen in the way you hoped, gentle - calm, kind, soft, mysterious - strange, not known or understood, trail - a path, wounded - injured, offended, hurt, graveyard - a place where people are buried, ax - a tool used for cutting wood, victim - someone who has been hurt, damaged or killed, innocent - not guilty, calm down - stop feeling upset, angry or excited, beast - a large frightening wild animal or creature, torch - a small light held in the hand, mill - a building where grain is crushed into flour, lantern - a light inside a container with a handle, beware - used to warn someone to be careful, haunt - to appear in the place repeatedly, cause repeated suffering,



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