Skipping Stones - What did Art think of when he was pitching?, Botany - What is the name of the class that Art met Patty in?, Red's or the Tiger's - What big league teams did Art pitch to in the big league game?, A farm boy - What was Art in the beggining of the story?, Art the Star - What was Art ant the end of the story?, Roses - What flowers did Art grow?, A long blade of grass - What thing from nature was Art described as?, He was in a car crash - What Happened to Art near the end of the story?, In the Hospital - After his car crash, where did Art wake up?, He had broken his arm - What injuries did Art have after the crash?, NO - could Art ever pitch again?, He was mean and picked on others, but he smiled more. - How did 'Art the star' treat others?, The Catcher - Who kept falling on their seat?, Because he was shy and would get tongue-tied - Why couldn't Art talk to Patty in the beginning of the story?, Garner - What is Art's surname?, Well done! you finished the quiz!! - What did you think of Art? Star or Farm boy?,


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