1) anak yatim 孤 儿 a) go trip b) children with no parents c) people like to talk d) the person that gets the most expectation 2) anak emas 宝贝孩子 a) precious child b) kind hearted c) sayings which are not sure its reality d) the person that creates the fight between people 3) anak tunggal 独生子 a) the only child b) people like to steal c) go trip d) receive something with joy 4) anak kembar 双生的孩子 a) work fast b) worry c) twins d) boast ownself 5) anak sulung 最大的孩子 a) eldest child b) messy handwriting c) adopted child d) leave a place in a hurry 6) anak bongsu 最小的孩子 a) youngest child b) small gift to people who lost the game c) work fast d) small portion of food eaten before a proper meal taken  7) anak angkat 养 子 a) the person that creates the fight between people b) adopted child c) humble d) worry 8) berat mata 想 睡 觉 a) angry b) jealous c) sleepy d) the only child 9) berat tulang 懒 惰 a) people like to talk b) the person that gets the most expectation c) people don't know how to read d) lazy 10) ringan tulang 勤 劳 a) a hot topic people is talking about b) smart c) angry d) hardworking 11) cepat tangan 爱偷东西的人 a) small portion of food eaten before a proper meal taken  b) not fair c) Stubborn d) people like to steal 12) panjang tangan 长 手 a) simply shower b) a hot topic people is talking about c) receive something with joy d) people like to steal 13) langkah kanan 幸 运 a) have strong intention b) invitation without sincerity c) lucky d) kind hearted 14) otak cair 聪 明 a) can't stand under the heat b) smart c) secret money d) go trip 15) otak udang 笨 a) angry b) hardworking c) stupid d) the only child 16) lipas kudung 快手快脚 a) work fast b) invitation without sincerity c) leave a place in a hurry d) people don't like to talk 17) rendah diri 谦 虚 a) has great interest in the begining, lost interest after awhile b) Stubborn c) humble d) leave a place in a hurry 18) hidung tinggi 骄 傲 a) the person that creates the fight between people b) boast ownself c) a hot topic people is talking about d) leave a place in a hurry 19) tangkai jering 吝 啬 a) invitation without sincerity b) not wearing shoes c) stingy、not willing to share or offer others d) has talent 20) buah tangan 礼 物 a) go trip b) present c) precious child d) people don't like to talk 21) buah mulut 话 题 a) a hot topic people is talking about b) not wearing shoes c) leave a place in a hurry d) the person that creates the fight between people 22) alas perut 用来暂时充饥的食物 a) humble b) people like to steal c) boast ownself d) small portion of food eaten before a proper meal taken  23) hati tikus 胆 小 a) angry b) people like to beer c) stingy、not willing to share or offer others d) timid、people get scraed easily 24) khabar angin 传 言 a) sayings which are not sure its reality b) simply shower c) hardworking d) not fair 25) tanah air 家 园 a) not fair b) people like to steal c) a place at where a person was born and grown d) adopted child 26) angkat kaki 匆忙离开 a) the only child b) leave a place in a hurry c) Stubborn d) has talent 27) cakar ayam 字体潦草 a) messy handwriting b) jealous c) lonely d) people like to steal 28) buta huruf 文 盲 a) people like to steal b) lonely c) people don't know how to read d) the person that creates the fight between people 29) tangan terbuka 热烈欢迎 a) the person that creates the fight between people b) angry c) jealous d) receive something with joy 30) sebatang kara 孤 独 a) the person that gets the most expectation b) lonely c) people like to talk d) kind 31) banyak mulut 多 话 a) messy handwriting b) precious child c) the only child d) people like to talk 32) mulut murai 爱说话的人 a) people like to steal b) eldest child c) the person that gets the most expectation d) people like to talk 33) berat mulut 不爱说话的人 a) present b) a hot topic people is talking about c) stupid d) people don't like to talk 34) kaki botol 酒 鬼 a) smart b) work fast c) people like to drink beer d) people like to steal 35) kaki bangku 不会踢球的人 a) people like to talk b) people can't play football c) hardworking d) not fair 36) kaki ayam 没穿鞋的人 a) the only child b) lazy c) not wearing shoes d) face 37) naik angin 生 气 a) sleepy b) people can't play football c) lonely d) angry 38) naik darah 生 气 a) messy handwriting b) the person that creates the fight between people c) angry d) can't see things in the dark 39) makan angin 旅 行 a) the person that creates the fight between people b) hardworking c) go trip d) a hot topic people is talking about 40) batu api 点火石 a) people like to steal b) the person that creates the fight between people c) kind d) lazy 41) murah hati 仁 慈 a) kind b) present c) go trip d) simply shower 42) baik hati 好 心 a) kind hearted b) stingy、not willing to share or offer others c) leave a place in a hurry d) children with no parents 43) sagu hati 安慰(礼物/奖品) a) messy handwriting b) has great interest in the begining, lost interest after awhile c) the person that creates the fight between people d) small gift to people who lost the game 44) wang saku 私 房 钱 a) small gift to people who lost the game b) people don't know how to read c) secret money d) people don't know how to get along with others 45) iri hati 嫉 妒 a) jealous b) Stubborn c) the only child d) twins 46) ada hati 渴 望 a) have strong intention b) precious child c) people like to talk d) lucky 47) berat hati 担 心 a) boast ownself b) kind hearted c) worry d) people don't know how to read 48) ada bakat 有天份 a) has talent b) hardworking c) go trip d) messy handwriting 49) hati batu 固 执 a) can't choose from many choices b) people don't like to talk c) twins d) Stubborn 50) mandi kerbau 马虎地洗澡 a) the person that gets the most expectation b) simply shower c) face d) invitation without sincerity 51) mandi peluh 汗流浃背 a) not fair b) people like to talk c) hardworking d) has great interest in the begining, lost interest after awhile 52) ayam tambatan 被寄予厚望的人 a) work fast b) the person that gets the most expectation c) Stubborn d) angry 53) kera sumbang 不懂和别人相处的人 a) people don't know how to get along with others b) humble c) smart d) simply shower 54) hangat-hangat tahi ayam 三分钟热度 a) people like to talk b) lucky c) has great interest in the begining, lost interest after awhile d) work fast 55) ajak-ajak ayam 没有诚意的邀请 a) a hot topic people is talking about b) invitation without sincerity c) kind hearted d) has talent 56) puteri lilin 怕 热 a) can't stand under the heat b) messy handwriting c) stingy、not willing to share or offer others d) timid、people get scraed easily 57) rambang mata 眼花缭乱 a) receive something with joy b) can't choose from many choices c) messy handwriting d) people like to steal 58) rabun malam 夜 盲 a) lazy b) can't see things in the dark c) has talent d) lonely 59) berat sebelah 偏心 a) not fair b) people don't like to talk c) Stubborn d) leave a place in a hurry 60) air muka 脸 a) kind b) go trip c) face d) present

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