1. I am your father's brother. I am your..., 2. You are my child. I am your..., 3. Your mother is my mum. Your father is my dad. I am your..., 4. I am the sister of your mum. I am your..., 5. I am the father of your grandfather. I am your..., 6. My mum and your mum are sisters. I am your..., 7. I am your father's dad. I am your..., 8. I am your mother's mother. You are my sunshine. I am your..., 9. I am your grandfather's mother. I am your..., 10. I gave you birth. I am your..., 11. You are my child. Your sister is my..., 12. You are the son of my son. You are my..., 13. You are the daughter of my son. You are my..., 14. I am married to your mum. I am her..., 15. Your grandpa is my husband. I am his ..., 16. You are our child. We are your..., 17. I am your aunt. You are a girl. You are my..., 18. You are our grandchildren. We are your..., 19. I am your aunt. You are a boy. You are my....



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