Health - A complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, Dimension - A part/component of something, Physical Health - Relates to the functioning of the body and its systems, Mental Health - Refers to the ability to think and process information, Social Health - Refers to the ability to form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others, Emotional Health - Refers to the ability to recognise, understand and effectively manage and express emotions as well as the ability to display resilience, Spiritual Health - Refers to living according to the ideas, beliefs, values and ethics you possess, Limitation of health definition - Due to chronic illness or disability, some people will never be considered completely healthy, Dynamic - Constantly changing, Optimal Physical Health - Appropriate levels of fitness, healthy body weight, well-functioning body systems, Optimal Social Health - A supportive network of friends, a supportive and understanding family and effective communication skills, Optimal Emotional Health - Having a high level of resilience, responding to, expressing and managing emotions appropriately and recognising a range of emotions , Optimal Mental Health - Low levels of stress and anxiety, high levels of confidence and positive thought patterns, Optimal Spiritual Health - Feeling a sense of belonging and connection, positive purpose and meaning in life, and living and acting according to values and beliefs ,
Match Up - Dimesions of Health
Year 10
Health and Dimensions
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