Tim knew that not having a university degree would be a(n) ____ to his career. The local council has decided to ____ the old library into a youth centre. I didn't like the book because the plot was ____ . The design for the new aeroplane uses ____ technology which will allow it to fly without a pilot. We need to ____ up with a brilliant idea for our presentation next week. On the first day of the sales, hundreds of shoppers ____ into the shop as soon as the doors opened. Electric cars are very ____ because they don't use much petrol. The advertisements claims that this smartphone has many innovative ____ , such as a state-of-the-art camera. My job interview was over in a ____ of minutes. How do bees ____ each other? -What does that sign say? I can't read a word. -Really? When was the last time you ____ ? Mandy wants to have the living room ____ in a more modern style. Did you know that most of the Earth's surface ____ in water? I ____ about the plans to move the company to another building, which annoyed me. Mr Donovan says that he'll ____ call you with the details tomorrow. We ____ to check out of the hotel at 12:00 at the latest. Did you get your brother ____ your computer? Everyone did so badly in the test that our teacher made us ____ it. The cast of the new science-fiction film ____ mainly of teenagers. Having a pet is known ____ a beneficial effect on people's health.


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