1) Mother duck is asleep up on the ... a) river b) hill c) tree 2) Dilly Duck and Dally Duck went into the ... a) grass b) home c) water 3) "I can not see ... " said Dilly Duck. a) Mother Duck b) Dally Duck c) Dilly Duck 4) "I can not see the big hill," said ... a) Mother Duck b) Dilly Duck c) Dally Duck 5) "We will go ... to Mother Duck," a) back b) home c) up 6) The two little ... walked and walked and walked. a) squirrels b) Sams c) ducks 7) "..." said Mother Duck. a) Swim, swim, swim b) Quack, quack, quack c) Bark, bark, bark 8) The two little ducks ... up the hill to Mother Duck. a) flew b) swam c) ran

RA7 - Dilly Duck and Dally Duck Questions


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