1) Which among these are at the risk of extinction a) Dog b) Duck c) California condor d) Monkeys 2) Biggest flower in the world a) Cactus b) Rafflesia c) Duckweed d) Mangrove 3) The logo of this company has a black tick a) Nike b) Audi c) Adidas d) Windows 4) Plants that feed on insects a) Bamboo b) Cactus c) Venus flaytrap d) Duckweed 5) Marine Drive is in  a) Delhi b) Lucknow c) Mumbai d) Agra 6) ______ is an emblem use by different companies. a) Brand b) Product c) Logo d) Boxes 7) This causes animals to be endangered a) Deforestation b) Hunting c) Both a and b d) None of the above 8) The last male northern white rhino died at the age of a) 65 years b) 45 years c) 25 years d) 10 years 9) The animals that are at the risk extinction are called  a) Endangered animals b) Happy animals c) Forest animals d) Pet animals 10) There are ______ slanting lines in the logo of Adidas a) 4 b) 5 c) 3 d) None 11) Choose the correct spelling a) Toyoto b) Tooyoto c) Toyota d) Toyata 12) The logo of windows is of ______ colour a) Yellow b) Black c) Green d) Blue 13) Bactrian camel is an a) Domestic animal b) Endangered animal c) Pet animal d) None of the above 14) _____is the beautiful structure ofGandhi Nagar  a) Golden temple b) Howrah bridge c) India gate d) Akshardham Temple

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