1) Go over ______ a) there b) their c) they're 2) _____ ok. a) there b) their c) they're 3) What are _____ names. a) there b) their c) they're 4) Do dogs wag ____ tails? a) there b) their c) they're 5) Don't put it _____. a) there b) their c) they're 6) ____ in here! a) there b) their c) they're 7) The books are _____, on the table. a) there b) their c) they're 8) _______ my brothers. a) there b) their c) they're 9) _____ American. a) there b) their c) they're 10) ______ house is amazing. a) there b) their c) they're 11) ______ it is. a) there b) their c) they're 12) ______ feet smell. a) there b) their c) they're 13) ____ vero intelligent. a) there b) their c) they're 14) Are you ____ ? a) there b) their c) they're 15) I'm at _____ house. a) there b) their c) they're


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