1) How many Earths would fit into the Sun? a) 1.3 million b) 13 million c) 130 million 2) How old is the Sun? a) 1 billion years old b) 4.5 billion years old c) 9.5 billion years old 3) What are comets made of? a) rock b) ice and dust c) helium and hydrogen 4) What type of galaxy is the Milky Way? a) globular galaxy b) elliptical galaxy c) spiral galaxy 5) How many stars are there in the Milky Way? a) 10 billion b) 100 billion c) 1000 billion 6) How thick are Saturn's rings? a) 66 cm b) 66 m c) 66 km 7) How many moons does Pluto have? a) one b) three c) at least five 8) What is the name of Jupiter's largest Moon? a) Ganymede b) Io c) Callisto 9) What is Jupiter made of? a) Ammonia and helium b) Nitrogen and helium c) Hydrogen and helium 10) Which is the hottest planet in the Solar System? a) Mercury b) Venus c) Saturn 11) Which of these planets is smaller than Earth? a) Mars b) Saturn c) Neptune 12) How long does Mercury take to orbit the Sun? a) 8.8 days b) 88 days c) 881 days 13) Which planet has the largest Moon in the Solar System? a) Saturn b) Jupiter c) Uranus 14) Which planet has a famous volcano called Olympus Mons? a) Mercury b) Venus c) Mars 15) Which of these planets have no Moon? a) Mercury b) Mars c) Jupiter


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