tornado - A funnel of cloud and wind that can cause damage by sucking things up from the ground, rain - Droplets of water falling from clouds in the sky, thunder - Makes a loud rumbling and banging sounds in the sky. You can usually hear this during a storm, cloud - Made of tiny drops of water and can be grey or white in the sky., snow - Soft, white ice crystals that fall from the sky., sun - Gives us day light and heat., lightening - A large flash of electricity. You can normally see this during a storm and before you hear thunder., hurricane - Very strong, fast winds which cause heavy rain and a lot of damage., icy - Frozen water on surfaces which can create slippery surfaces., sleet - A mixture of rain and melting snow falling from the sky., fog - Made up of lots of tiny drops of water in the air. It can make it hard to see what is around you., rainbow - Appears when the sun is passing through droplets of rain and is made of seven colours., wind - You cannot see this but you can feel it. It is moving air and you can measure it's speed and direction., hail - Small balls of hard ice which fall to the ground like rain. ,

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