Parasite - An organism that lives at the expense of another organism or the host, Ectoparasite - Lives on the surface of other organisms, Endoparasite - Lives within the bodies of other organism (host), Microparasite - Small, unicellular parasite that multiplies within its vertebrate host, often inside cells, Macroparasite - Large, multicellular parasite that has no direct reproduction within its vertebrate host., Amoeba, flagellate - Microparasite, Parasitic worm: nematode, trematode, cestode - Macroparasite, Obligate parasite - Must spend at least some of their life cycle in or on a host, Facultative parasite - Parasite can live as a free living organism or as a parasite., Definitive host - The host that harbor a parasite while it reproduces sexually, Intermediate host - The host that harbor a parasite during other than sexual development stages, Amebae - A protozoa that moves by pseudopod, Flagellates - A protozoa that possess flagella for movement, Helminth - Consist of parasitic worm such nematode, trematode and cestode, Arthropod - Organism with exoskeleton and are ectoparasite.,


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