a sudden and violent shaking of the ground - earthquake, a large amount of water covering an area where usually there is no water - flood, a scientific claim about the likelihood that an event will happen in the future - forecast, a rotating storm that forms over the ocean - hurricane, the chance that a danger or hazard may occur - risk, nearly flat land along the course of a river - floodplain, a measurement of the energy or strength of a natural hazard event - magnitude, an abnormal rise in sea level along the coast caused by a storm - storm surge, the number of regularly occurring events in a given time - frequency, intensity or sharpness - severity, a push or a pull - force, the pieces of Earth's crust - tectonic plates, a location in Earth's crust and mantle where two tectonic plates crash into one another, either one going under the other or colliding into one another - convergent boundary, a location in Earth's crust and mantle where two tectonic plates move apart from one another - divergent boundary, a location in Earth's crust and mantle where two tectonic plates slide past one another - transform boundary, a source of power which has the ability to do work - energy, a surface resistance to motion - friction, a fracture in the Earth's crust, where two blocks of rock are being pushed past one another or were once pushed past one another - fault, the exertion of force upon a surface - pressure,

8.6 Natural Hazards Vocabulary


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