What fairytale story would you like to be in?, If you had to change your name to something totally new, what would be your new name?, If you had to name a chapter in your life right now, what would it be called?, What is the weirdest habit that you have?, What is something that you love that everyone else thinks is gross?, If you were a candy bar what candy bar would you be?, If you had an extra part of your body what would it be?, What is a magical power that you wish you had?, What would the book about your life be called?, What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you when you were younger?, What's the worst advice you have given? , If you were in a circus, which character would you be?, Have you ever stalked someone on social media?, What is the best part about taking a selfie?, What is your favorite celebrity scandal?, What is one thing you should never say at a wedding?, What is the worst pickup line you have ever heard?, Did you have an imaginary friend? What was his/her name?, Have you ever had a dream where everyone was in their underwear?, Who’s your favorite comedian?, Have you ever been on a blind date?, If you could only store one type of food in your pocket, what would you carry?, What is the worst present you have ever received and why?, If you were a farm animal, who would you be and why?, What is the worst first date you have ever been on?, If you could do anything illegal without getting caught, what would you do?, What is the weirdest food combination you’ve ever tried?, Do you remember what you were doing on the 21st of December, 2018?, Tell me an embarrassing, yet funny story., What is the funniest joke that you know?, What would your dream job combination be? Mine would be a space-cowboy!, What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?, What is the weirdest thing you are afraid of?, If animals could talk, which animal would be the rudest?, If a squirrel could talk, do you think it would have a really high voice or a really low voice?, What would be the absolute worst name that you could give your child?, What movie completely changes its plot when you change one letter in its title?, What is something that hasn’t happened yet, but would certainly break the internet?, What is the silliest way that you’ve been injured?, What quote or saying do people often say, but you believe is complete trash?, What was the funniest thing you’ve seen recently online?, What makes you laugh?, What is the weirdest thing that you have ever eaten?, What is a funny excuse that you have given to leave a party early?, What old person tendencies do you have?, What did you think was cool as a kid, but isn’t actually cool now?, What makes you smile without fail?, What is the craziest dream you’ve had?, Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse? Why or why not?, What was your worst fashion disaster?.


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