He said he was going to make him an offer e couldn't refuse - "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse", said the godfather, She said she had a feeling they were not in Kansas anymore - "I have a feeling we are not in Kansas anymore", said Dorothy, He said he loved the smell of napalm in the morning - "I love the smell of napalm in the morning", said the lieutenant,  He said his name was James Bond - "My name is Bond, James Bond", He said he saw dead people - "I see dead people", said the kid, Katniss said she volunteered as tribute - "I volunteer as tribute!" Katniss told Effie, He said that with great power came great resposibility - "With great power comes great responsibility", said Peter Parker, Darth Vader said he was his father - "I am your father", Darth Vader told Luke, Doc said where they were going they didn't need roads - "Where we are going, we don't need roads" Doc told Marty ,

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