Algorithm  - A chess player considers every possible move, to select the best one, and would continue doing so until the game was won., Heuristic - a student needed to decide what subject she will study at university, her intuition will likely be drawn toward the path that she envisions most satisfying, practical and interesting., Insight - placing a banana above the reach of chimpanzees and watching how they attempted to reach the food. So they stacked boxes to reach it, Confirmation Bias - a person holds a belief that left-handed people are more creative than right-handed people. Whenever this person encounters a person that is both left-handed and creative, they place greater importance on this "evidence" supporting their already existing belief., Mental Set - You pull on a door handle to open it. The door doesn't open. You pull on it a few more times before you try to push, failing to notice the “push” sign on the door., Intuition - Feeling like you have a “pit” in your stomach when you have to make a hard decision, Representativeness Heuristic - thinking that because someone is wearing a suit and tie and carrying a briefcase, that they must be a lawyer, because they look like the stereotype of a lawyer., Availability Heuristic - When asked if falling airplane parts or shark attacks are a more likely cause of death in the United States, most people would say shark attacks. In reality, the chances of dying from falling airplane parts are 30 times greater than the chances of being killed by a shark., Belief Perseverance - a person who believes that smoking does not cause cancer despite the abundance of evidence that shows that smoking does cause cancer., Framing - A salesperson promoting a product would much rather claim '85% of customers were satisfied with the product' than admit '15% of customers were dissatisfied,

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