1) Comics is a medium used to express ideas with images, often combined with text or other visual information a) True b) False c) 2) speech balloons (also speech bubbles, dialogue balloons, or word balloons) are : a) a graphic convention used most commonly in comic books b) describe what the characters are saying c) representing a character's idea 3) A comic panel is a) A panel is an individual frame of the comics b) A panel is an individual frame, or single drawing, in the multiple-panel sequence of a comic strip 4) .... a large, often full-page illustration which opens and introduces a story a) A splach b) A splash or splash page c) comic full-page illustration 5) The gutter is a) the line between panels b) an introduction between panels c) the space between panels 6) ........ words appear in a box separated from the rest of the panel or page a) captation  b) caption c) capptione 7) Encapsulation is the capturing of prime moments in a story a) True b) False 8) The reader performs ......... by using background knowledge and an understanding of panel relations to combine panels mentally into events a) closure b) ending c) the ending 9) A comic book creator (also comics creator or comics maker) AKA   a) graphic narrator b) graphic storyteller c) graphic novelist d) all of the above is right 10) An inker or finisher "finishes" and sometimes enhances, the penciled artwork using ink (traditionally India ink) and a pen or brush to create a high-contrast image for photographing and printing a) True b) False 11) ........ adds colours to the finished artwork a) colourist b) colourist artist c) fine art colourist d) art colorist 12) A comic strip is not a short work of comics which has its origins in the world of newspapers, but may also appear in magazines or other periodicals, as well as in books and elsewhere a) True b) False


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